Monday, May 22, 2006

Boyle's Law

Remember that for an ideal gas there are 4 large scale measurable properties:

  • Total mass of the gas
  • Pressure of the gas
  • Temperature of the gas
  • Volume of the gas

Boyle's Law is the rule for a fixed mass of gas at constant temperature.

Here is the graph to show how volume varies with pressure:

It's not rocket science. High pressure means that you are squeezing the the gas so the volume must go down.

The mathematical pattern is:

  • Volume is inversely proportional to pressure
  • pV = a constant
  • p1V1 = p2V2
  • Double the pressure, halve the volume

You need to know how to draw further curves on the graph

  • Above the existing curve for higher temperature - the particles will be moving faster pushing outwards into a bigger volume and causing more pressure
  • Below the existing curve for lower temperature